Lojistik için Zeki Optimizasyon

Lojistik uygulamalarında zeki optimizasyon çözümleri için kaleme almış olduğumuz bildiri çalışması:

Intelligent Optimization for Logistics

Abstract: Optimization has been a remarkable problem solution approach for especially real-world based cases. Since first use of classical optimization techniques, many different fields in the modern life have benefited from them. But after a while, more advanced optimization problems required use of more effective techniques. At this point, Computer Science took an important role on providing software related techniques to improve the associated literature. Today, Artificial Intelligence based intelligent optimization techniques are widely used within optimization problems. Objective of this paper is to provide a brief look at to the use of intelligent optimization in Logistics field. It is clearly known that Logistics operations and managerial aspects of this field often deal with optimization based problems. So, it is thought that use of alternative, recent optimization techniques may give a light to further optimization problem solutions for the Logistics field. In this context, the authors believe that this paper will be an interesting reference for the literature of both Computer Science and Logistics.

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